PRO24 system

PRO24 is a management tool developed by Protect for the communication, monitoring, assessment, and documentation of entities related to safety, quality, and management. All information saved in the system has a named responsible person and the system reminds the responsible person by email of responsibilities that are becoming overdue. Where required, the duties of the responsible person can be transferred to a new responsible person within the system.

A browser-based system is part of the company’s operations at the operative and strategic levels. The PRO24 system is used to save and process deviations, assess operations, and manage risks. The PRO24 system is a tool for internal and external communications and distribution of information that enables providing the correct target group with correct and up-to-date information in real time.

A clear overall picture at a glance

The functions on the front page of PRO24 give an overall picture, at a glance, of how well scheduled tasks, updating of documents, and responsibilities specified in the management system have been managed. The system enables the management and communication views to be exported into a form that is easy to adopt and maintain.

The system has been made easy to use for employees. Various visual desktop views and system tools for submitting notifications, making assessments, and others, can be made available to the staff through icons on a mobile device, for example.

PRO24 makes the management of responsibilities clearer and enables a user group -specific configuration of user rights.

PRO24 – A management tool

The PRO24 system entity is at its best when used as a company management tool.

It can be used to assess operations and for monitoring, internal communication and working with interest groups, processing deviations and various initiatives, chemical management, processing of safety notifications, and continuous improvement.

PRO24 supports during organisational changes and merges

The benefits of the PRO24 system that has been taken into use in the early stages of the company’s growth become visible when the company grows, the number of people employed by it increases, and the operations become more diverse. Organisational changes and mergers are also good opportunities to take the PRO24 system into use.

The system enables monitoring and coordinating the responsibilities of responsible persons and the implementation of measures assigned for them through a single system. The entity becomes clear and controlled.

PRO24 creates savings through enhanced efficiency

PRO24 creates savings and productivity through more efficient operating methods, elimination of wasted effort, controlled progress of work, and reduced number of errors.

For responsible persons, managers, and the line management, the PRO24 system means easier and quicker working and more visible responsibilities. The system also enables the scheduling and implementing of corrective measures and continuous improvement.

PRO24 makes the updating of assessments, processing of notifications, implementation of monitoring measures, preparation of work lists, and the monitoring of, e.g., valid permits quicker and easier. Direct links enable easier communication with the staff and interest groups.

The customer selects the modules that benefit the company the most

The modules that support the goals of the customer will be selected in the PRO24 system based on the needs of the customer. It is also possible to acquire parts of the system, i.e. modules.

The development of the PRO24 system is agile. Our experts come up with new ideas and develop the system constantly, based on the needs of the business sector and the feedback received from customers.

A clear overall picture at a glance